Recent Notes


Sometimes, I Cheat

by | Jul 6, 2012

In general, I have a sort of a “fair-chase” ethos about my photography. No posed subjects, no half-frozen insects (a great way to get them to sit still), etc. Sometimes, however, I have to ask myself, “what’s the task at hand: do I want a photo, or do I want a record?”

For the last three summers, I have been trying to photograph and identify a large, pale-eyed dragonfly that patrols my yard at dusk. I have had no luck whatsoever. Neither my eyes nor my camera’s autofocus are very good in low light.

Two evenings ago, I saw a dragonfly on dusk patrol, low and slow around the pickup truck.

I went and got my old insect net, but by the time I came back, it was gone. Well, that sort of thing happens—a lot. I put the net away, started for the house, and there it was. Went back, got the net, grabbed the camera, came back, and caught her.

It was a very nice female Fawn Darner (Boyeria vinosa), a species I have never identified before.

Many odonates (dragonflies and damselflies) require that you get a rather close view of their private parts for identification purposes: here you go.

Turns out you don’t need that for a Fawn Darner. Sorry ma’am.

For those not that familiar with dragonflies and damselflies, the wings are remarkably tough, and if handled with a modicum of care, you will do no damage. I let her go, and she went right back to patrolling my front lawn.

So, mystery answered, and no dragonflies were harmed in the writing of this Note.

Boring photography stuff: I used a Canon DSLR with a 100mm macro lens, held in one hand, for these shots.  I used the porch light over my shoulder to give me enough light for autofocus, and I shot at ISO 250, aperture preferred, f22 using the pop-up flash. The camera fired at 1/250 sec. Held at arm’s length, I could get a shot of the full dragonfly.